Maria Adriana R. Ngeteseka, SH, MHum
Marriage is one of the few lifetime decisions people make, supposed to be the experience of bliss in partnership, and is expected to last longer. Unfortunately, the divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher. Based on the observation in Rote Ndao district court, during 2009 to2013 the divorce rate was increased. This research aimed to know the causes of divorce revealed in Rote Ndao district court. Method applied in this study is descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the study reveal that the causes of divorce are inability to resolve conflicts, marital violance, love affair, and because either the husband or the wife left their family for long periode of time. It is suppose that the commitment of both husband and wife for blissfull marriage must be the foundation of the relationship. There must be also sustainable socialization of 1974 marriage law by the district court in order to minimize the difforce rate.
Keywords: chriminology review district court, factor causes difforce.